Trying to find biography information on Roger Deakins for Film School

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Home Forums Team Deakins Trying to find biography information on Roger Deakins for Film School

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  • #215904
    ToTo G

      My name is Tobias and I am a film student based in Sydney Australia. I’m currently working on an entrepreneurship project involving a personal influence. My personal influence is Roger Deakins as I’m looking to become a cinematographer in the future and Fargo has had the best shots I have seen so far in cinema. I’m currently 20 years old and was wondering about a few things.
      -How did Roger first know he wanted to be involved in Filmmaking.
      -What skills did Roger need in order to further progress his hobby of still photography to moving images.
      -What were Roger’s influences (if he had any) and how did these influences assist in his creative process.

      Thank you. Any and all information would assist me in this project.
      Kindest Of Regards,

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    • Author
    • #215908

        Roger will be the best source for these informations of course but in the meanwhile you can begin with these things (i’m sorry i can’t paste the link but i have some kind of bug when i post links here) :

        – “Bio” and “Musings” pages in the “Team Deakins” section of the website

        – The “Beginnings” episode of the podcast (but informations are everywhere in the podcast – for the record, my favorite is Roger telling the story of his documentary in Jamaica that turned in an masterpiece of experimental cinematography for unexpected reasons)

        – The article from American Cinematographer “Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC: Six Favorite Films ” (it’s available on AC website)

        – The article from British Cinematographer “Visionary – Sir Roger Deakins CBE BSC ASC” (it’s available on BC website)

        I hope that helps!

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